Resistance Is Part of Growth.

Have you every signed up for something that would help you to grow like a mastermind or a spiritual program or giving a speech etc.?

All of a sudden you can feel the resistance kick in.

Maybe it's time or money excuses...maybe you start feeling depressed or anxious or bored.

Today, I want to remind you that this resistance? It's actually part of your growth. In fact, it's normal and it's good. It means you're moving towards something that's challenging you to grow.

Resistance is a function of the negative ego and it's literally the job of the negative ego to hold you back. Your negative ego (that we all have, by the way) is just doing its job. Your job is to feel the resistance and do it anyway.

I know there have been times where people have said "But Alex, that sounds great but I just can't. I can't get out of my own way."

Well luckily, I've been training with a royal healing lineage and one of the healings that's offered is a core will infusion. A core will infusion strengthens your will so it's easier to say yes to the light and no to your resistance.

When our will is strong, everything is possible.

So if you're struggling like so many this holiday season, know there's a way out through awareness and healing. We need the awareness that resistance is part of our growth and then often times we need a healing to push us forward towards our dreams.

Sending everyone lots of love. Thanks for reading. 


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