Healings A La Carte
Menu of Ancient Lineage Healing Modalities
Signature Healings To Align With Your Life Purpose
Life Activation
Gently realign back home to the truth of who you are and how you express that in the world.
Full Spirit Activation
Spirit activation is the next step on your journey to waking up to you.
Emotional Health & Wellbeing
Etheric Reconstruction
Bringing light to a specific core issue, etheric reconstruction means you never have to repeat a life long pattern again in your life.
Isis Healing
The Isis healing is facilitated through a sacred ritual for emotional death and rebirth, giving you a new emotional foundation upon which to stand.
Advanced Isis Healing
Enlisting the assistance of Archangel Ramiel, this healing session helps to heal old emotional wounds, as well as bring in clarity about love.
Hermetic Soul Retrieval
See the world with new eyes after you have received this healing!
Crystal Healing
A simple yet profound healing, the crystal healing is gentle and relaxing.
Essential Oil Healing
Tapping into the senses of smell as well as touch, bliss and peace are sure to be cultivated in your being as a result of receiving this session.
Kundalini Healing
This ancient healing modality infuses passion into your aura to help reignite your thirst for life.
Spacial Realignment
Have you ever really struggled to be in the present moment? To be fully here? This healing puts you back into your body, into the present moment, and into the room.
Spirit Infusion
This modality is perfect for when you’re feeling apathetic or low on energy. It’s great for renewed energy and a renewed sense of self.
Laying of Hands
The Laying of Hands is a beautiful, gentle healing that is very restorative for the soul.
Archangel Michael Interstellar Light Tube
This activation of the buddhic body will give you a moment of enlightenment which can last a lifetime.
Clean Up Your Aura
Aura Healing
Repair the aura using the energy of Agape (Love of God) to help you to feel refreshed and renewed.
Shamanic Aura Clearing
Receive the shamanic aura clearing to strengthen your aura from outside negativity.
Negative Energy Removal
Powerful & transformative, this session begins with a negative spell reversal to remove any negative energy that has been sent to you.
Crystal Rites
Have you tried everything to feel better and nothings working? Are you seeking relief? Crystal Rites are sacred and essential for deep healing.
Manifestation Healing
This manifestation healing modality works with the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses to deeply cleanse the aura and call forth that which you desire.
Core Will Infusion
A powerful session that works with the aura to push yourself in the right direction.
RA Protection Healing
This ancient Egyptian healing modality is a powerful tool for protection from others negativity.
Psychic Readings
Life Purpose Reading
Reveal what you need to hear in this moment to help you to move forward in your life.
Crystal Reading
A game changer for so many who struggle to understand various life circumstances, the crystal reading will certainly bring clarity and guidance.
Chronos Soul Reading
Consult the stars and tap into the beauty that is your soul.
Special Healing Series
Spiritual Drug Detox Series
This powerful 10-session healing series heals the damage to your energy field that lingers weeks, months, and even years after using substances.
Hermetic Rebalancing Series
This 3-session healing series is a popular "yearly tune up” for initiates seeking balance, clarity and control over their mind.
King Salomon Healing Modality: Physical Region
This 12-session series is the most comprehensive system of healing we have available to us on the planet today. By the end of this series, you will be much more aligned to your true self.
King Salomon Healing Modality: Auric Region
Removing the fake masks that we wear on a daily basis, if you want to have true self expression in this world this is the series for you.
Reiki & Distance Energy Healings
Jikiden Reiki
Jikiden reiki is a powerful form of reiki that works on both the body and the mind.
Ensofic Reiki
Addressing the levels of body, soul, and spirit, Ensofic Reiki stands apart from other reiki sessions.
Spark of Life
The Spark of Life healing is unique in that it offers you a powerful restorative healing from a distance.
Healing Gifts for Your Pets
Animal Life Activation
Animals that have been life activated learn more easily, behave more readily, and truly act like themselves.
Animal Reiki
Using higher light, Animal Reiki is the perfect healing to gift your best friend. healing, relaxing, and calming, most pets respond very well to reiki treatments.
Special Blessings
Baby Blessing
The Baby Blessing is a sacred and transformative ceremony that honors the arrival of your newborn into the world. In the ancient tradition of the Mystery School lineage, this blessing protects and guides your child, offering them a clear path of light and purpose as they embark on their life journey.