December Workshops

Ancient Teachings For Both Curious Beginners & Advanced Practitioners

What’s Coming This December

  • Sacred Geometry 2: Crystal Magick

    In the next level of Sacred Geometry, we work with crystals! Not only will you learn how to use crystals for self healing, but you’ll even become a crystal healer and be able to work with others!

  • Astral Travel

    This foundational course teaches you the tools and techniques to expand your consciousness so that you can explore the astral planes and other dimensions more safely and effectively.

  • Advanced Astral Travel

    Deeper teachings on body preparation, breathing techniques, and protection for your journey. You’ll learn basic, intermediate and advanced methods of astral travel, as well as remote viewing.

Meet your Instructor

Alex Bynum
Certified Spiritual Teacher & Guide

Since 2013, I’ve been actively working to share the ancient wisdom and healings from this sacred lineage based path. If you’ve tried multiple resources and still feel like something is missing from your life, I’m so glad that you landed here.

Questions About Our Workshops?