Have You Always Wanted To Learn About Astral Projection?
I get the questions "Alex can you teach me how to astrally project? Can you teach me more about astral projection?" a lot.
The answer is "Yes, but it's not what you think."
Many people who are interested in astral projection try to achieve this state through the use of substances or shocking the body.
Through my training and experience in the Modern Mystery School, there is another way to do this that's much safer and much healthier.
The benefits of astral travel are many including access to higher guidance, being able to mediate for various situations in your life and the lives of others, and being able to experience yourself in a very different way than perhaps you've ever thought.
Wouldn't it be cool to know that you're capable of shifting your consciousness?
I know for me the more experiences I had like this, the more I began to believe I am truly a divine being.
If you're interested, Astral Travel class is being taught this Sunday from 12:30pm-5pm at my office in Brookline and then again in a few weeks due to demand.
Please feel free to reach out if you're curious or if this feels right for you at this time. It's such a unique experience I'd be honored to share with you!
To register, visit https://www.empoweringpath.com/calendar/astral-travel
I look forward to astral traveling with you!