People Don’t Break Your Heart; They Break Your Expectations.
Relationships are often a point of pain or of pleasure. When it comes to romantic relationships, people have often experienced great pain.
But why? Did someone else actually break your heart?
Spiritual mentor Kyle Cease would say No. “People don’t break your heart; they break your expectations.”
Think about it. People break the expectations in our minds, they break the fantasy, they break our attachment to an outcome. They break hopes for the future; but they certainly don’t break the present moment. They just are being in that space.
Rather than being disempowered by a relationship, heal and bring yourself home to the now. From the now, you have a choice. From the now, you have your empowerment because based on what’s happening in any given moment, you get to decide what you want to do and what reality you will create. It’s never been about what’s going to happen; it’s about what’s actually happening right now.
If you’re super struggling with a particular person or relationship, I recommend an emotional cord cutting which cuts the ties energetically between you and another person. From this space, you can be free. From this space, you can come home to yourself.